Updates from Zion, Oregon, Death Valley, and more...

Hello Reader,

Happy New Year! We hope you had a wonderful holiday and are excited to dive back into photography. It has been a while since we sent out an update, so a lot has happened. After we last talked, we went to southern Colorado, leading a fall colors workshop. We had spectacular conditions and wish we could have stayed longer. Our trip was shorter than usual because we had to drive up to the Oregon coast to teach at two Out of Oregon conferences. It was great to get back to this part of Oregon and experience the rugged coast. For me (David), it reinvigorated my love for long-exposure black-and-white photography. On the other hand, Jennifer was enamored with the sea life, and I couldn't tear her away from the starfish and anemones.

After several weeks on the coast, we went to Zion National Park to lead two Narrows workshops. One went incredibly well, while the other was impacted by an unusual early-season snowstorm. We had a great time photographing ice, low clouds floating around the peaks, and ephemeral waterfalls from all the moisture. It was quite the experience. From there, we visited Death Valley briefly for another workshop. With the summer floods that impacted the park, our knowledge and experience in the park were put to the test, as many of our reliable spots had been heavily impacted by the floods. We had no problem finding new locations, including the fantastic mud cracks you will see at the bottom of this email. Death Valley is constantly changing, and one aspect we love about this park.

After Death Valley, we took a mini-vacation in San Diego, where we spent many days on the ocean photographing dolphins. It was great to be back on the water. On our last day there, we ventured out on the high seas despite rough conditions. We were safe, but it was a very bumpy ride. When we arrived in Denver, this rough ride presented a new problem – a kidney stone! I have been dealing with this for the past month and finally had surgery to remove it last week. I am thankful to be back to 100% and somehow escaped this with almost no pain. During this time, I finished a project where I processed 100 images from 2022 and published it as a PDF ebook, which you can read more about below.

Jennifer is still working on her 365 project from last year, which has proven to be more work than imagined, so the release date is delayed. From behind the scenes, what she has been able to produce is nothing short of phenomenal. I don't know how she remained so prolific throughout the year, but it is worth the wait, trust me. We are still in Denver finishing off my doctor appointments and some house projects, but we will be headed to Death Valley very soon to lead more workshops and enjoy the desert air.

We have lots of new and exciting information to share, including new critique sessions, book releases and more, so keep reading below.

Best wishes,

David and Jennifer

David's top 100 images from 2022

2022 was an incredibly productive year for us photographically. Despite our busy schedules, we managed to capture many stunning images. However, we were so busy that I (David) had not made the time to process my images.

As December rolled around and I began compiling my top 10 images of the year, but I struggled to narrow down my selection. The number of photos I wanted to share kept growing until I realized I was close to 100. With this realization, I decided to take the plunge and publish all 100 images.

You can download the PDF with all 100 images or leave a comment on my blog here. I hope you enjoy these images as much as I enjoyed creating them.

Winter Speaker Series: Post Processing

Are you looking to take your image processing skills to the next level? I invite you to join me on January 25th for an exciting presentation on Lightroom techniques as part of the Winter Speaker Series. This series features online talks by some of the most talented photographers in the industry, including Michael Frye, Nick Page, and Sean Bagshaw. We will be sharing our secrets on how to enhance and perfect your images.

I'll also be demonstrating techniques using user-submitted files, so you'll get to see the techniques in action and learn how to apply them to your own photos. Plus, you might even get to see your own photo being used in the demonstration!

On top of that, by joining this series, you'll also be supporting a good cause. 10% of proceeds will go to charities chosen by each speaker. I have selected the Death Valley Natural History Association, so you'll be making a difference while learning new skills.

You can register for individual talks for $27 each or all four for $87. This is an excellent opportunity to improve your photography skills and make a positive impact. I look forward to seeing you there!

Critique Session with David and Eric Bennett

Get ready to level up your photography skills, friends! I am excited to announce that I will join forces with the incredibly talented Eric Bennett to host an exclusive critique session for a select group of only 7 photographers. Imagine having access to two experts pouring all their knowledge and expertise into helping you improve your craft.

Mark your calendars because the group will meet on March 11th at 9:00 am Mountain time. We'll be giving critiques for an intensive four hours, so come prepared with an open mind for valuable feedback.

To give you a taste of what's in store, check out a preview below from a previous critique group with William Neill and Eric. Trust us; you will want to take this opportunity to take your photography to the next level. So don't hesitate to secure your spot before it's too late!

Workshops - 2023 is almost sold out!

Our workshops have become wildly popular, and we sold out nearly all of our spots last month, but a limited number of spots are still available. Our community is eager to learn and grow, and we want you to take advantage of this opportunity. Don't delay; secure your spot now and join us on this exciting journey of learning and growth.

Here's a recent testimonial from one of our favorite people!

Attending a workshop hosted by David Kingham and Jennifer Renwick is one of the best things an aspiring Photographer can do to raise their skills. The best part is, you come away with an increased passion and desire to spend more time with your camera. It's not learning how to expose properly or use the right focal length but the emotions they teach you, how to see the landscape or become intimate with a leaf. You can tell there is a burning desire that they both want you to succeed and even more, the sincerity that they want you to leave with a total outlook that photography is not just about pressing the shutter to capture a moment.
This is my third workshop with D and J, and I can tell you without a doubt it’s not my last. I have taken the time to observe them and listen to their mindset towards photography and each time I can see the difference in making a picture.
To that Photographer who is debating on attending a workshop with David and Jennifer, you will be rewarded with a renewed excitement to caress your camera, both emotionally and technically, creating priceless images.
Thank you, David and Jennifer, you have a passionate photographer who enjoys spending time with you.
~ Mozzam

Other News

David's work was recognized when he was chosen for inclusion in the LensWork book, Trilogies. This publication features a collection of three-image projects submitted by talented photographers from around the world. The images selected for David's feature can be seen below. Take advantage of the opportunity to own a copy of this wonderful book.

David's image, "Peaky Fall," has been selected for inclusion in the prestigious Natural Landscape Photography Awards book. This visually stunning book, featuring some of the most breathtaking landscapes captured by photographers worldwide, is available on their website. Take advantage of the opportunity to own a copy of this excellent publication and see David's work alongside some of the best in the field.

Items of Interest

New articles from the Nature Photographers Network - There are so many I don't know where to begin. The latest articles are from Huibo Ho, Sarah Marino, John Pedersen, John Paul Caponigro, and Chuck Kimmerle...whew!

Apple’s iPhone Emergency SOS vs Garmin InReach for Landscape Photography by Chrissy Donadi. If you spend any amount of time alone in the field you need a way to get in touch with emergency services if you get in trouble. In this article Chrissy talks about the differences between a dedicated InReach vs. Apple's new emergency SOS.

Our friends Sarah and Ron have released the 2nd edition of their ebook Desert Paradise: The Nature Photographer's Guide to Death Valley. This is a must have if you plan on visiting Death Valley.

Top Photos from 2022

Our friends have released their top images from last year, and my oh my what a selection.

Featured Client Images

Keith Lisk is a highly talented photographer, and we had a fantastic time with him during our trip to Death Valley in November. We highly recommend visiting Keith's website and checking out his captivating book of panoramic photographs from the Smoky Mountains.

Bonnie Lampley's artistic talent is truly exceptional. Her unique perspective and creative approach result in breathtakingly surreal and abstract imagery. We were fortunate to have Bonnie participate in our fall workshop, and she shared these stunning images she created.

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Exploring Exposure

Unleash your photographic vision. See creatively, capture fresh perspectives, and develop a distinctive style in landscape imagery.

Read more from Exploring Exposure

Hello Reader, We hope your summer is off to a spectacular start! Just a day after sending our last newsletter, we embarked on an impromptu adventure to Yellowstone National Park. Our mission? To capture the biggest solar storm of our lifetime - the breathtaking Aurora Borealis that likely flooded your social media feeds in May. This spontaneous journey led to some of the most incredible images we've ever created. Keep reading for the full story and to see a few of the images! June took us to...

Hello Reader, We hope the transition from winter to spring has been smooth for you and you're looking forward to all the photographic opportunities that late spring and early summer provide. It's been a busy few months, and we just returned from two and a half months on the road. We had a very productive spring photographically and personally, which was nice after a very challenging fall season. We spent our first month in Death Valley, where we spent most of our time getting out and...

Hello Reader, We hope you're enjoying the winter season and finding opportunities to capture its beauty through your lens. Currently, we're in Colorado, eagerly preparing for an upcoming journey to Death Valley. Our last visit in December left us awestruck, as the park's landscape was dramatically altered by historic floods in August. The floods revived Lake Manly in Badwater Basin, a rare sight that has yet to evaporate. On our explorations, we discovered unique salt formations, sculpted by...