Updates from Yellowstone, Moab, and the Tetons πŸ”οΈ 🦬 🏜️

Hello Reader,

As the vibrant hues of fall sweep across the land, we hope your hearts and SD cards are both filling up with memories and mesmerizing captures. As we wind down from a season of workshops and conferences, there's an undeniable energy buzzing around here (or is that exhaustion? 🀣).

Fresh off an immersive session at Yellowstone, we're still awestruck by the myriad of intimate landscapes our group managed to create. The fascinating play of light, shadow, and the autumnal palette made every moment at Yellowstone an adventure, further testament to the unique vision each photographer brought to the table. Sharing and comparing our daily captures was a highlight, showcasing the endless possibilities that exist even when we're all rooted in the same location.

On top of that, the recent Out of Moab conference was a celestial treat. Under the vast, starry expanse, attendees were inspired and challenged to capture the ethereal beauty of the night sky, giving a whole new dimension to the stunning Moab landscape.

And as we transition into the cooler months, there's no slowing down. Between exciting updates from Nature Vision Magazine and gearing up for our 2024 workshops (spots are flying!), there's much to look forward to.

So, grab a cup of your favorite fall beverage, cozy up, and dive into this newsletter. As always, we're grateful for this community and the shared passion that ties us all together. Here's to more adventures, under the sun and stars!

David and Jennifer



Published in LensWork!

Exciting news! Yours truly (David here) has had the immense honor of being featured in the revered LensWork magazine! I've long admired LensWork, having stumbled upon it years ago, and ever since, it's been a bucket list dream to see one of my projects grace its pages. I consider LensWork to be the most important fine art photography publication of our time, so this is an incredible achievement for me.

A heartfelt shoutout to Jennifer Renwick, Cole Thompson, John Barclay, and the man behind the magic, Brooks Jensen. Their constant support and encouragement played a massive role in molding my work into cohesive projects, and giving me the nudge to submit them to LensWork.

For those of you looking to snag a copy, it's not too late! Issue #164, featuring my project, is available for purchase from LensWork. And, one of my images has been handpicked for the upcoming LensWork book titled "Light, Glorious Light." If that sounds like a read you'd love, you can preorder the book right now.

2024 Workshop Spots Available

2024 is shaping up to be an exhilarating year for our workshops, and spots are filling up fast! If you've been toying with the idea of joining us, now's the time to jump in and secure your place.

So, if any of these sound like your next photographic adventure, don't wait. We can't wait to share these experiences with you.

Issue 2 of Nature Vision Magazine

Buckle up for some visual inspiration! Issue 2 of Nature Vision Magazine is in the pipeline and shaping up to be quite the treat. We're thrilled to spotlight some truly phenomenal talent in this edition – artists that will ignite your passion and spark creativity. Curious about what's in store? Get a sneak peek by checking out a preview of our inaugural issue. Once you're hooked (and we bet you will be), dive deeper by becoming a subscriber.

Items of Interest

We're always on the lookout for new and exciting things to share with you; here's what we found this month:

​Impure Thoughts by Guy Tal

Guy reflects on his life as a photographer and the changes he has experienced in the field. He discusses his decision to stop selling prints and his disinterest in the social aspects of photography. He express a desire for new challenges and experiences beyond photography, and the need for intellectual stimulation. Guy contemplates his next steps and the possibility of exploring other mediums or pursuits. He acknowledges that change is necessary and that he must seize the opportunity to pursue new passions.

​Quick Guide to Understanding Lightroom’s HSL Panel by Chrissy Donadi

Chrissy provides a tutorial on how to use the HSL (Hue, Saturation, Luminance) panel to precisely manipulate specific colors in photographs. It explains what the HSL panel is, how to adjust hue, saturation and luminance, and the differences between HSL and other Lightroom color panels. Examples and tips are given for creatively editing photos by changing color hues, intensities and brightnesses using the HSL sliders and targeted adjustment tool.

​Are you cropping your landscape photographs wrong? by Alister Benn

In this video, Alister explores the topic of cropping landscape photographs. He discusses the different aspect ratios of cameras and how they affect the composition of the image. Alister also shares his personal preferences for aspect ratios and the pros and cons of cropping for content versus using standardized ratios. He ultimately emphasizes the importance of creative freedom in cropping photographs and suggests considering the presentation of a cohesive body of work when choosing aspect ratios.

Captivating Images from Our Yellowstone Intimate Landscapes Workshop

We just wrapped up our Yellowstone Intimate Landscapes workshop, and what an experience it was! We were blessed with a group of fantastic clients, all eager and enthusiastic about expanding their vision. What struck us the most? Each day, when we came together to share our images, it was nothing short of awe-inspiring to see the multitude of interpretations and captures. Even though we all stood on the same ground, the variety of what was created was a testament to the unique eyes of each photographer.

Below, feast your eyes on some of the standout images from our students. And hey, if you're feeling a tug at your heartstrings, we've got some spots open for our 2024 Yellowstone Intimate Landscapes workshop. Don't miss out on this transformative experience!

Yellowstone Workshop Testimonials

Jennifer and David's Intimate Details workshop in Yellowstone was outstanding! They have extensive knowledge about the area which was very helpful when navigating the busy park at the best times to avoid traffic congestion as well as diverting to a different location if necessary. In four days we were able to shoot a huge variety of intimate and wider scenes from geysers to waterfalls to autumnal grasses to bacterial mat details. The afternoon post processing sessions were incredibly helpful for me. Jennifer and David have an obvious love and respect for nature. They were very kind and supportive to all of the participants and I could not have asked for a better experience. I will most definitely be doing another one of their workshops!
I have done quite a few photography workshops and what David and Jennifer is offering is so unique and special that is on a whole other level. They truly care about their clients' learning and progress in photography. I did a six day Yellowstone intimate photography workshop and it was the most exhilarating significant experience in my photography journey so far. Their only focus was for each of us to connect to ourselves and to nature on a much deeper level and find ways to express ourselves using nature. They gave us all the tools we needed, the inspiration and excitement before going out as well as the feedback and support we wanted in the field. Their ability to provide the guidance while giving us the space to find our own way and vision was so different than other photography guides. In addition, David provided extremely valuable post processing tips that will make this this part so much easier. I highly recommend them as they give their all to their clients before during and after the workshop.

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Exploring Exposure

Unleash your photographic vision. See creatively, capture fresh perspectives, and develop a distinctive style in landscape imagery.

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